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Great Start!


 You’ve acknowledged that you would like to feel different, be different, do different. You’re life story is about to change. You will experience that change in minutes or hours while not talking about your private or personal life, past issues or incidents. You have everything to gain with this unique method and it’s lasting benefits


1ST TIMER $250

2.5 hour private session online

plus 1 hour follow up


Coming Soon!!

My online booking system is coming very soon!
In the meantime please text or call me on 0411 241 972
We can have a chat about what you require and make a time that works for you!

Jen x


© 2017 Proudly Created  by

Jen Mitchell Therapies. 

Who knew?


Our thanks to Unleash design in Wembley

for their assistance. When my Jurassic abilities ran out

Bowtech image for Bowte Jen Mitchell bowen therapyh trained
Trained and Certified

Located in Fremantle 

The Coastal areas of 
Vasse; Busselton and Dunsborough

Mace Energy Therapy - available globally.

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